πŸ“š Module index

Prep, an ordered list of sprints, a product, and success view

graph LR; A[Prep] --> B[Sprint 1]-->C[Sprint 2]-->D[Sprint 3]-->G[Success]


Generate a template module by running ./module_create.sh <module-name> in the root of your website. This script produces a complete module structure with all the necessary files and folders from the Hugo archetypes stored in the archetypes folder. Create any single archetype by running hugo new --kind $ARCHETYPE_NAME $PATH_TO_NEW_FILE.

The template module contains a prep view to express all your entry criteria and setup instructions for the module, 4 template sprints to plan the weekly work, a product folder to organise the module project, and a success view to express the exit criteria and handoff details.

Edit this basic setup to suit your needs. The module folder is located at content/$MODULE_NAME and it creates pages matching the folder structure on your website.

If you don’t want this module to show up on the default menu, remove menu = ['syllabus'] from the front matter. The pages will still be accessible via the URLs.