πŸ“Š Activity

Make your GitHub activity visible to employers

Do as much work in public on your GitHub as possible. Employers will look at your GitHub, and they like to see the following:

  • Active commits

    Lots of green on the profile graph, well distributed over time

  • Regular coding

    Pull requests, code review, general competence with git and Github

  • Evidence of you using the languages you list on your CV

  • A portfolio of projects

    At least some self-organised passion projects you have done outside of class

github activity

You don’t have to code every day, but you do have to code regularly. Here are some things to check now:

  • Do you have regular commits on GitHub?
  • Does your activity reflect the skills and technologies you want to demonstrate to employers?


Make sure your private contributions show as activity in settings


As well as your CYF projects and your passion projects, you can show your passion for development by contributing to an open-source project.